18 septembre 2007


Cybernétique et raffut
Comme science de l'information, ou processus vital qui maintient en équilibre l’ensemble des phénomènes… la cybernétique nous gratifie, parmi ses nombreuse attributions, de quelques audacieuses translations, non sans humour...
Qui se plait à croire que la machine pensante n’est pas pour demain, se fourvoie, si on en juge sa désopilante manière de s’approprier nos bagatelles, dans un élan créateur, primesautier, se jouant des littéralités, des conventions, faisant fi des lois, du travail apologiste et critique de votre humble architectonique chroniqueur, intempestif et modeste Pilier.
Un petit clic vous traduit TAO en Cat, gigot en leg, et quelques autres merveilles que je vous propose de savourer en ce lieu de partage.
Respectueuse, cependant, de notre latine locution, "in pugna veritas", comme de notre maître signifiant, the Pillar... ne vous fiez surtout pas à sa fourbe traduction, qui n’est pas sans rappeler un trait de caractère de nos cousins d’outre-manchette…
Une version in extenso vous sera proposé ici, sinon lisez ci-dessous, cette page, par trop aventureuse... voire l'originale et française version.
The blog Rugby which sees all, speaks about all, supports much…
likes chestnuts, prunes, the systemic one and the CAT,
architecture and the leg…
A cut blows, sweet chesnuts…

Truce of peace
In pugna veritas

Calf of the thigh and pump with nails will abuse the fresh grass of autumn to mushrooms of hallus of our grounds of icy. Y' will have the convivial one to warm up the shoulder, to number meat offals for a fray of first order. September of chestnuts will hold promise to season the large dressers, an art to like without moderation to believe that the baston it is not well. An oval planet in festival, for the joy of strongest and the pleasure of the men in search of harvests. These ladies, that the large males do not frighten, will have leisure to too often appreciate the value of conflicts learnedly arbitrated, only the discharged worthy one of one meaning misused by its sometimes disastrous overflows. Sweet chestnut yes, but in these fundamental rules that the propriety and measurement like a hope of evolution, nourish their noble intentions.
The quarrelsome race will show beautiful example by the acquired value of its title of choice, that of man of kidney like that of honest man, impavide, reasoned.
One fights only on green, in the crowned enclosure of the rough grazings grassouillets, one cases oneself, chicore, plugs oneself, knocks oneself, tears, releasing our deep agitated natures of the irresponsible yoke of too left gone, by the conscience of the limits, virtue of the made man. It is there supreme challenge to combine violence and healthy urbanity. Tender with the rule in the muscular vice, generates the control and forces the respect.

The impartial Pillar, warned, will account for the esthetics of the conflicts in the joy, joy, the jubilante sometimes inopportune mood of the organized hyperboles.

Brutish lout from all edges, esthètes of the hot dresser, the troubles all goes to legs and sausages, not restive, do not carry out broad but viandus unskilled worker, platers molten of dress on the blessed ground of the holy scratches, returns bacon to beaters, accountants of the joinings, it is soon the hour of frank slapped. One smells already as one breathes a perfect unit between hearts, between spirits rejoining by effect of enthusiasm this voluntary dash to the pleasure of the good food.

Truce of peace! Truce of thirst! Welcome the foreigner! Let us leave hams trotter, bottles to circulate and goblets to tinkle, receive with dignity these warriors of in addition to-world, which they taste full bottle the gâteries of icy. Let us battle firmly, drink of too without thirst, entonnons the canticles. Never the heart of a warrior in dry place does not live.

In pugna veritas.
© the Pillar